


The “100 reasons to love Beijing”

Short video competition

Call for Submissions


To All Staff and Students:


Hosted by the Information Office of the Beijing Municipal Government and organized by China Daily, the fourth“100 reasons to love Beijing” short video competition is inviting foreigners living in the city to submit their works that can showcase the authentic Beijing through individual perspectives and expressive styles with different cultural backgrounds.

In addition to the short video competition, this year’s event also introduces a sub-contest for cartoons and illustrations. In order to promote a vibrant campus culture, the school is organizing such an event for all teachers and students.

The specific requirements are as follows:

大赛主题 Theme


The short videos and cartoons and illustrations should be themed with “100 reasons to love Beijing”.

征集范围 Collection Scop


Short video: Open to the global community, including foreign teachers and students. The works featuring foreign friends as the main characters are also welcome.

作品要求 Requirements for works

1. 短视频:形式体裁不限,必须为原创;时长不超过3分钟;MOV或MP4格式;清晰度为 1080P(1920×1080 分辨率);大小不超过 1GB;不添加任何水印标记;投稿作品应附标题或者视频描述。

Short video:

Form and genre are not limited but should be original;

Duration should not exceed three minutes; format should be MOV or MP4;

Resolution should be 1080p (1920×1080);

Size should not exceed 1 GB; watermark or label is not suggested;

The submitted work should have a title or video description.

2. 漫画插画:作品须为原创,不得抄袭或复制他人作品;作品风格不限,漫画、插画或其它画种均可参加;作品为 JPG 格式,分辨率为 300dpi, 不低于 2M(最长边不小于 3000 像素),不超过 10M;作品单幅、组幅不限,每位作者上传不超过 20 幅;作品须配标题和简短文字说明。

Cartoons and illustrations:

The work should be original and the authors cannot plagiarize or copy others’works;

Style is not limited; comics, illustrations, or other types of paintings are welcome;

Format should be JPG with a resolution of 300 dpi, not less than 2M (the longest side not less than 3,000 pixels), and not more than 10M;

Single or group pieces are both allowed; each author can upload no more than 20 pieces;

The work should have a title and brief text description.

评选方式 Evaluation Methods


All submitted works will receive an internal evaluation. Within the university, there will be a first prize for short videos and cartoons and illustrations with five winners; a second prize with 15 winners; a third prize with 20 winners; and several honorable mentions. The winners will be presented with certificates and prizes.


All submitted works will be sent to the event organizer for next round evaluation in Beijing.

投稿方式 Participation Methods


Participants are required to upload their works and information (see attachment) to Baidu Cloud with a status of permanently valid. The naming format for the Baidu Cloud folder should be: Name + Category of work (short video or cartoons and illustrations) + Title of work.


Works by teachers and students from the International College will be submitted by the School of International Education after sending the Baidu Cloud link to the email: uibeyuke@163.com; other teachers and students can send the Baidu Cloud link to the email: xcbuibe@163.com.

征集截止日期 Deadline of submission

2023年12月1日Dec 1st, 2023

作品展映 Work Exhibition


Excellent works will be exhibited on media platforms such as Bilibili, WeChat video, TikTok, Kuaishou and Xiaohongshu.

本文来源于 对外经济贸易大学,由 欧米网 整理编辑!