
西岸X-区域视觉形象国际征集 | West Bund X Call for VI Design


West Bund X -- Call for VI Design








2011年末徐汇区第九次党代会提出打造“西岸文化走廊”品牌工程战略, 经过一轮的发展建设,西岸的“美术馆大道”初具规模:成功吸引了东方梦工厂、龙美术馆、余德耀美术馆、上海摄影艺术中心、香格纳画廊、苏富比等众多知名文化艺术机构的入驻,同时,在西岸音乐节、西岸建筑与当代艺术双年展、西岸艺术与设计博览会、西岸食尚节、全球水岸对话等品牌活动的引领下,西岸正在成为沪上高品质文化、商业和体育活动的聚集区。预计到2020年,西岸将聚集约20座单体体量超过2000平方米的文化设施,成为全球文化设施集聚度最高的地区之一。


2016年8月,上海市委、市政府提出“至2017年底实现杨浦大桥至徐浦大桥45公里沿江公共空间贯通”的要求,黄浦江两岸贯通工程徐汇段全面启动,目标至2017年底,实现日晖港桥至徐浦大桥沿江道路和开放空间的全面建成。建设水、绿、人、文、城相融合的国际魅力滨水区。围绕“突出沿江空间及岸线的连续性和系统性,促进工业遗存的有机更新,驱动水陆联动功能开发,凸显文化引领和融合”的开发思路,贯通工程徐汇段自北向南分为活力示范区、文化核心区、自然体验区和生态休闲区四大主题空间,至2017年底将建成包括8.4公里景观大道和80公顷公共开放空间的高品质滨水开放共享区段,实现 “把黄浦江两岸建设成为服务于市民健身休闲、观光旅游的公共空间和生活岸线”的惠民宏愿。








1) 标志设计:可以是图形,或文字,或图文结合。

2) 三种情景下的标志应用效果:




3) 在标志和区域名的组合使用中,应于适当位置体现以下元素中的一种或几种:

a.WEST BUND(大写或小写)








1) 静态作品尺寸为1920*1080像素(宽*高),RGB色彩模式,JPG格式。请保留AI矢量文件(入围之后需提交)。

2) 如有动态作品,尺寸为960*640像素(宽*高),RGB色彩模式,以GIF格式上传。

3) 如需增加视频动态文件阐述设计理念和应用,可将视频上传至网络视频平台,再将视频链接添加到作品说明中。

4) 作品的提交应包含视觉形象的设计图及设计说明。

5) 设计说明有助于评选时评委对作品的理解,其内容旨在阐述标志设计思路、理念。说明文字应当简洁明了,格式清晰,表述完整。

6) 递交的设计画面中不应出现任何与创作者有关的信息,所有此类信息只能按要求填写在《报名登记表》中。


1) 应征者无需缴纳任何报名或参与费。

2) 应征作品提交方式:将填写完整的电子版《报名登记表》及作品通过电子邮件形式发送到征集指定邮箱:westbundx_vi@163.com

3) 应征作品一经送达,即视为应征者已全部知晓并完全接受本征集规则。应征文件不符合本规则要求的,应征者可于截止时间之前补正。

4) 应征者可以从征集官方页面上下载本规则以及《报名登记表》。



初审评委 :陈嵘、毕学峰、罗晓腾(香港)、陆俊毅

终审评委 :方世忠、李忠辉、李翔宁、周铁海、Jason Little(澳大利亚)、Ruedi Baur(法国)


1) 由相关领域专家组成的评审团对应征作品进行评选。

2) 初选期:5月15日-5月19日,评审出50件入围作品。

3) 公示期:5月22日-6月5日,50件入围作品公示。

4) 网络评选期:5月22日-6月5日, 50件入围作品进行网络票选,选出五位网络人气奖。

5) 复选评审会:6月6日举行复选评审会,由评审团评从50件入围作品中评选出三件优胜作品,一件大奖作品。

6) 设计优化期:6月7日-6月21日,大奖作品优化。

7) 奖项公布:2017年6月23日公布各个奖项及优化后的大奖作品。


1) 入选大奖一件,奖励300000元;



2) 上述奖金金额指税前金额。获奖者应按照相关国家及地区(包括但不限于中华人民共和国)的法律规定纳税。未中奖方案不设保底费用。


3) 将向所有入围和获奖创作者颁发由上海西岸(集团)有限公司与西岸区域视觉形象国际征集组委会共同署名的获奖证书。

4) 奖金(现金或支票)和获奖证书交付作品的应征者或其书面指定的代表。应征者不止一人的,奖金(现金或支票)和获奖证书交付《报名登记表》中“创作者”一栏排名最靠前的应征者或其书面指定的代表。

5) 评选揭晓后,将在上海西岸官网上公布获奖者名单。





1) 收到的所有应征作品一概不予退还,应征者请自留底稿原件。

2) 应征期间,应征者不得将参赛作品转让或授权给任何第三方,不得用于参加与本赛事相同或类似的其他活动。

3) 应征者须确认拥有所提交作品的完整著作权及版权,确认提交作品从未转让或许可给任何个人或机构。

4) 请应征者务必保留好作品源文件,入围设计师需提交入围作品源文件,并签署相应版权协议书,未签署者视自动放弃终审资格。

5) 入围设计师不得用入围或获奖作品参与与本赛事相同或类似的其他活动。

6) 应征作品的著作权受中国法律保护。最终获得大奖、优胜奖及人气奖的标志设计作品,除署名权以外的一切知识产权(包括但不限于著作权、对作品的一切平面、立体或电子载体的全部权利)归上海西岸(集团)有限公司所有。上海西岸(集团)有限公司有权对成为标志设计的作品进行任何形式的使用、开发、修改、授权、许可或保护等活动。

7) 主办方对本活动保留最终解释权。






电话:+86 021 64575857




West Bund X, Call for VI Design

Submissions Guide

Shanghai West Bund, with its shoreline reaching a length of 11.4 km along southwest Huangpu River, was once an important industrial area in history, while is now a rising cultural corridor, and is on its way to become the main cultural district and the core area of the city’s Central Activity Zone.

Take Shanghai Expo 2010 as an opportunity, West Bund is aiming to become “the extraordinary waterfront area of the global city”. Based on the principal of “planning led, culture guided, ecology preceded, creativity oriented”, West Bund is to be built as a quality communal waterfront open area, in which the public can experience the water, greenery, history and culture; it is also to be developed as the biggest culture cluster in Asia and a dynamic industrial ecosystem that combines emerging industries such as cultural creativity, science and technological innovation, as well as financial innovation.

City renovation would never stop its pace, and it is always a journey of exploration and creation for every excellent city to develop. To name the VI Design Contest as “West Bund X” is to emphasize the uncertainty and possibilities that the “X” represents, and it is our hope for you as designers to make a breakthrough and create infinite possibilities for West Bund’s future.

1. About West bund

Shanghai West Bund is the urban brand renovated along Xuhui Riverside. Stretching from Ri Hui Port in the north to Guan Port in the south, and from Huang Pu River in the east to South Wanping Road - Long Hua Port - Long Wu Road in the west, it covers an area of 9.4 km2 and a shoreline length of 11.4 km; it is also the biggest area to be developed along Huangpu River, reaching a development area of nine million square meters. West Bund is the Central Activity Zone raised in Shanghai 2016-2040 Master Plan, which sets the overall objective as “striving for the excellent global city” and aims to create a dynamic city of innovation, a charming city of humanity and a sustainable city of ecology.

Xuhui Riverside was once a cradle of modern national industries and the city’s main transportation, logistics storage and manufacturing base, gathering the biggest airport in Far East (Longhua Airport, 1917), China’s first land-and-water coordinated transportation dock (Beipiao Coal Dock, 1929), China’s first wet cement plant (Shanghai Cement Plant, 1920), Shanghai’s first freight station (Nanpu Railway Station, 1907) and so on. Due to the development of urbanization and shift of traditional industry, this busy but enclosed shoreline gradually lost its energy in city development and became a “Rust Belt”.

Take Shanghai Expo 2010 as an opportunity, West Bund affirmed the principal of “planning led, culture guided, ecology preceded, creativity oriented” and started to build an open shoreline with Long Teng Avenue as the core area for the community to enjoy the waterfront zone. The development also extends its footprints to the central region, with Dynamic Pilot Zone, Cultural Core Zone, Natural Experience Zone and Ecological Recreation Zone laying in sequence from the north to the south. With open and pleasant riverside space, convenient and perfect transportation system, urban memory of industrial civilization, West Bund is to be built as the most communal, convenient, green and charming public activity space.

In the late 2011, the Ninth Party Congress of Xuhui District proposed the “West Bund Cultural Corridor” project, and began to take shape the “Museum Mile”, which has attracted Oriental DreamWorks, Long Museum, Yuz Museum, Shanghai Center of Photography, ShanghART Gallery, Sotheby among many other renowned institutions to make their homes here. Meanwhile with events like West Bund Music Festival, West Bund Architecture and Contemporary Art Biennale, West Bund Art and Design Fair, West Bund Food Festival, and Waterfront Global Talk, West Bund is becoming the city’s gathering place for quality cultural, financial and sports activities. In 2020, West Bund is expected to have about 20 cultural facilities with each exceeds 2000 m2, and become one of the largest cultural clusters in the world.

In addition, based on the core concept of “Created in West Bund”, Shanghai West Bund focuses on art, design, fashion, information, entertainment, media among other important areas, and is building a brand-new composite industrial structure of cultural creativity, technological innovation and financial innovation. It has gathered LinkedIn, Tencent, Hunan TV, Youzu.com and other leading companies, it also has established and introduced innovative financial platforms such as Shanghai Culture Industry Fund of Funds, China Media Capital, Oriental Pearl Culture Investment Fund, in order to gather high-end talent and capital, and to create urban complex and high-end business that involve information, technology, health, culture and entertainment.

In August 2016, Shanghai Municipal Government made the request to “connect the 45km riverside space between Yangpu Bridge and Xupu Bridge by the end of 2017”. This started the project in Xuhui Riverside area, and by the end of 2017, the riverside roads and public areas between Ri Hui Gang Port and Xupu Bridge will be completed to create a charming international waterfront area that syncretized with the water, greenery, people, culture and urban space. Based on the idea of “highlighting the continuity and system of the riverside area and shoreline, encouraging the organic renovation of industrial remains, prompting the development of land-and-water coordinated function, manifesting culture-leading integration”, Xuhui Riverside project is divided into Dynamic Pilot Zone, Cultural Core Zone, Natural Experience Zone and Ecological Recreation Zone laying in sequence from the north to the south. By the end of 2017, an 8.4km landscape avenue and 80-hectare public space will be completed to realize the vision that “making Huangpu riverside a communal space and living shoreline for fitness, leisure and travel”.

With the start of “West Bund Project”, through the communication and collaboration between eastern and western culture, West Bund is intended to provide a platform to discover, enhance and promote Chinese and Shanghai culture to the world, and to make West Bund as the new landmark for Shanghai as an international cultural metropolis.

In the future, along with the realization of “culture guided, ecology preceded, creativity oriented” strategy and the new opportunities provided by the connection of Huangpu riverside, Shanghai West Bund will become a new world-class waterfront city that combines innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship, as well as manufacture, life and ecology, therefore become the excellent waterfront area of the global city.

2. When do I submit?

Please submit your design between March24th 2017, 5:00pm (GMT+8) and May 12th 2017, 5:00pm (GMT+8). Any late submissions will not be received or reviewed.

3. Who can participate?

All professional designers, amateur designers, teachers and students in art schools, regardless individuals or institutions, can participate and submit your design.

4. What do I submit?

All participants must submit the following materials:

1) Logo design: it can be graphics, or text, or combination of graphics and text.

2) Apply effect in three following scenarios:

a) Logo on printing materials (i.e. related products, promotional materials, etc.)

b) Logo on public facilities and indication system (i.e. road markings, landscape fence, etc.)

c) Logo on West Bund events (i.e. West Bund Music Festival, West Bund Food Festival, West Bund Art & Design Fair, etc.)

3) You should include one or several elements below in your logo design:

a) WEST BUND (either capital or lower-case letters)

b)上海西岸 (Chinese name for “Shanghai West Bund”)

5. What are we looking for?

1) The design shall match West Bund’s vision as the “excellent waterfront area of the global city” and its function as the “Central Activity Zone”. The design shall reflect West Bund’s identity, cultural accumulation and distinctive connotation.

2) The design should be concise and clear, modern yet sublime; it should be bright in theme, rich in content and easy to identify. The design should be easily enlarged and reduced in size, it could be applied to many different scenarios, for example, the exterior of the architecture, exhibitions and fairs, road markings and indication, promotional materials, digital media and other related products.

3) The design should be flexible, transformable, malleable, possible to be creative; it should be possible to create moving, three-dimensional, fading in/out, interactive, material, visual, color, digital effects.

6. What format do I submit?

1) For still images, please submit JPG file in RGB mode, the size of each image should be 1920(W)x1080(H) pixels. Please keep your original design file safe, you shall submit it once your submission is shortlisted.

2) For moving images, please submit GIF file in RGB mode, the size should be 960(W)x640(H) pixels.

3) If you wish to provide videos to explain your design concepts and application, please upload to a video sharing platform, and add the web link in your design description.

4) You should submit your design sketches,final results and design description.

5) The design description is to explain your concepts and ideas of the design and to help the jury members to understand your work better. Please make sure the description is clear, straight-forward and comprehensive.

6) The submission of design should not include any kind of the designer’s information, which should only be provided in the Registration Form.

7. How do I submit?

1) There is no registration or participation fee to be paid by the designers.

2)Please fill in the Registration Form,and email it along with your designs to westbundx_vi@163.com

3) By sending your designs, it is agreed that the participants know and accept all the rules. The participants may submit supplementary materials before the submission deadline in case earlier submissions do not meet the requirements.

4) The participants could download thisguide and Registration Form from the official website.

8. Jury members (TBC)

Person-in-charge: Shen Haopeng

Jury members for the first review:

Chen Rong / Bi Xuefeng / Luo Xiaoteng / Lu Junyi

Jury members for the final review: Fang Shizhong / Li Zhonghui / Li Xiangning / Zhou Tiehai / Jason Little / Ruedi Baur

9. How do the submissions reviewed and selected?

1) The jury members will review and selectthe winning designs.

2) First review: May 15th - May 19th. TheJury members will select 50 shortlisted entries.

3) Public notification: May 22nd - June 5th. The 50 shortlisted entries will be listed online for the internet voting.

4) Internet voting: May 22nd - June 5th. Through internet voting, the public will select 5 Popularity Awards.

5) Final review: On June 6th, the jury members will review the 50 shortlisted entries and select 3 Recognition Awards and 1 First Award.

6) Design optimization: June 7th - June 21st. The First Award winning design will be improved and optimized.

7) Public announcement: On June 23rd, all award-winning designs and the optimized First Award winning design will be listed online.


1) First Award (one design): CNY 300,000

Recognition Award (three designs): CNY20,000 for each design

Popularity Award (five designs): CNY 1,000 for each design

2) The bonus mentioned above is pre-tax. The recipients should pay taxes according to related laws (including but not limited to that of People’s Republic of China). Other submissions that do not win the awards will not be receiving any of the rewards or bonus.

3) The First Award winner is obligated to optimize the design according to the jury members’ feedbacks. The First Award winner also has the priority to be commissioned by the organizer to further develop the design, the design fee thereto shall be negotiated based on the case.

4) All 50 shortlisted entries and award-winning designs shall receive certificates cosigned by Shanghai West Bund Development Group Co., Ltd. and West Bund Regional VI Design Contest Organizing Committee.

5) If it is a team that wins any of the awards, the rewards (cash or check) and the certificate will be handed to the person whose name appears in the place in the column of “author” in the Registration Form.

6) The final list of the awards will be announced on Shanghai West Bund official website.

11.Organizations of the contest

Organizer: Shanghai West Bund Development Group Co., Ltd.

Operator: Shen Haopeng Graphic Design Co.,Ltd.

12.Agreements and policies

1) All submissions will not be returned, please keep your own digital copies.

2) During“West Bund X” period, the participants shall not transfer the design or authorize it to any third party; the participants shall not use the design in any other similar contests.

3) The participants shall hold the complete copyrights of the submitted design; the participants shall confirm that the submitted design has never been transferred or authorized to any third party.

4) Please keep your original design file safe. All shortlisted designers shall provide the original design files and sign copyright agreements. Failure to sign the copyright agreement would be regarded as a waiver of the final review.

5) All shortlisted designs shall not be used in other similar contests or events.

6) The copyright of the submissions is protected by the laws of People’s Republic of China. For First Award, Recognition Award, Popularity Award winning designs, Shanghai West Bund Development Group Co., Ltd. reserves all intellectual property rights except the right of authorship (including but not limited to copyright, all rights for the graphic, three-dimensional and digital forms of the designs). Shanghai West Bund Development Group Co., Ltd. holds all rights to use, develop, edit, change, authorize, protect the designs in any form.

7) The organizer reserves all rights of the final explanations.

13. Others

West Bund Regional VI Design Contest Organizing Committee reserves all rights of final explanations of all documents related to the contest including this submissions guide. West Bund Regional VI Design Contest Organizing Committee may revise or supplement matters not mentioned herein.

This contest shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

14. Contacts

If you have any questions, please contact Dan Yang via:

Tel:+86 (0)21 64575857


For detailed information, please visit our website:www.westbund.com

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